VIKSAT, a pioneer in promoting sustainable natural resource management, has been at the forefront of environmental and climate change initiatives since its inception. With a strong focus on forestry, VIKSAT initiated the wasteland development and forest regeneration program in a village back in 1984. This led to their significant involvement in the Joint Forest Management (JFM) program during the 1990s, expanding its reach to districts like Sabarkantha, Mehsana, and Aravalli. VIKSAT's efforts were further bolstered by the establishment of Tree Growers Cooperative Societies (TGCS) at the village level and the formation of the Lok Van Kalyan Sehlani Sangh in the Bhiloda block, alongside other federations supported by NGOs/CBOs. VIKSAT's guidelines submitted in 1993 became an integral part of the Government's JFM policy. While the Government currently promotes the JFM program, VIKSAT continues to indirectly support and promote activities at the village level through its active TGCS. In addition to the forestry initiatives, VIKSAT successfully implemented the World Food Programme in 12 villages, focusing on generating employment and income opportunities for local communities. Recognizing the urgent need to address climate change challenges, VIKSAT has been actively engaged in various activities, including afforestation and tree plantation, to ensure sustainable natural resource management. Their holistic approach, considering technological, biophysical, socio-economic, political, and environmental factors, strengthens ecological foundations and promotes sustainable production systems. Under Micro Level Tool for Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change, VIKSAT is currently implementing watershed projects in the Sabarkantha and Banaskantha districts of Northern Gujarat, India. These projects encompass climate-proofing interventions, sustainable development programs, and initiatives to enhance resilience in the face of climate variability. By integrating watershed development activities and building climate resilience, VIKSAT actively participates in the restoration of degraded soils and empowers communities to adapt effectively to the challenges of a changing climate. Through their dedicated efforts, VIKSAT creates substantial positive changes in the domains of environmental conservation and climate change mitigation.
Major projects are undertaken in the area of Environment Forestry and Climate change are as follows:-