Sustainable Livelihoods

VIKSAT is dedicated to creating pathways for sustainable development while promoting environmental well-being. We recognize that sustainable livelihoods are essential for achieving long-term prosperity and reducing poverty. We focus on a holistic approach that encompasses various dimensions of livelihood development. Our initiatives are designed to address communities' diverse needs and aspirations, enabling them to build resilient and self-reliant livelihood systems. We strive to enhance income-generation opportunities, improve access to essential resources, strengthen skills and capacities and financial linkages. We collaborate with local communities, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and other stakeholders to develop innovative solutions that are tailored to specific contexts.

Our Sustainable Livelihood programme encompasses a wide range of sectors, including agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry entrepreneurship, forestry, etc. By promoting sustainable practices, resource conservation, and inclusive business models, we aim to create economic opportunities that are environmentally friendly and socially equitable. Our research, capacity-building workshops, and knowledge-sharing contribute to the dissemination of best practices in sustainable livelihood development. We work towards creating an enabling environment that supports entrepreneurship, innovation, and collaboration for the benefit of communities and ecosystems.

Major Projects undertaken by VIKSAT in the areas of Sustainable Livelihoods are as follows: 

  • Securing Agri and Allied Livelihood through Climate Smart Agriculture in Kheda district, (Gujarat) with the support of ITC Ltd. 2023-24 (42 villages covering 5000 HHs) - (ongoing)
  • Implemented  DST core support project ‘Enhancing Livelihood of Tribals in Khedbrahma, Vijaynagar, Idar and Bhiloda Blocks of Aravalli and Sabarkantha Districts with the support of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt of India in 60 villages in the year 2019-23.
  • Implemented organic Wadi project in Vijayanagar and Bhiloda Block of Sabarkantha District with the support of NABARD in 23 villages covering 1000HHs in the year 2013-2020.
  • Implemented project for Income Augmentation in Semi Augmentation in Semi-Arid (PLASA) project in Sami and Santalpur Talukas of Patan District with the support of Jilla Ayojan Bhavan by covering 744 HHs in the year 2009-11.
  • Implemented National Agriculture Innovation project (NAIP) Component-II, A value chain in major seed spices for Domestic and Export Promotion by covering 3400 HHs with the support of ICAR , New Delhi in the year 2008-11.
  • Implemented NAIP – III, an Integrated project for research on development process and sustainability of livelihood in selected disadvantaged districts of Gujarat state covering 607 HHs with the support of ICAR, New Delhi in the year 2008-2011.
  • Implemented GEF-SGP programme ‘Enhancing Livelihood options of small and marginal farmer through development and management of ravine lands in satlasana Block of Mehsana District by covering 312 beneficiaries with the support of GEF/SGP (Global Environment Facility/ Small Grants Programme, (UNDP), New Delhi in the year 2009-12.
  • Under NABARD’s Umbrella Programme for Natural resource Management (UPNRM), VIKSAT started a loan-based programme across all five project field areas. The project aimed to deliver financial services to poor rural people specifically for NRM-based livelihood activities in 83 villages of 8 Block by covering 1882 beneficiaries with the support of NABARD in the year 2009-12.